Self-defense is like CPR
People learn CPR and first aid to prepare for a catastrophic event. Engaging in a self-defense class that specializes in fight skills (and fight-prevention skills) gives you a vital skill set to assist in averting potential harm. By learning techniques and tactics to navigate dangerous situations, you not only protect yourself but also extend this security to those around you.

Be Grit Driven
“To follow the path of martial arts is like climbing on a cliff that never ends. It demands absolute devotion for the task to be executed.”
— Masutatsu Oyama

Did you know that a Kiai (pronounced like the words "key" and "eye" put together) is the shout or noise that a person makes when performing a technique in Karate? In Korean the same shout is referred to as a Kihap. These shouts are meant to emphasize certain techniques, or they can be used to tighten muscles when executing techniques. We see a parallel to the Kiai as we watch other sports. It is not uncommon for tennis players to shout while smashing the ball. It is common to see football players celebrating with a battle cry of sorts after scoring a touchdown. These shouts are very similar to the same ideas that a Kiai brings to martial arts.