Servant Leadership
Matt Rosalez Matt Rosalez

Servant Leadership

Leadership can be done in the background, with little appreciation and even less fanfare. Leadership is sacrifice for the purpose of another’s success. Leadership is empowering others. Leadership requires humility, patience, and even love for others. This type of leadership that puts others first is known in some circles as servant leadership. When I teach people how to lead, this is what I teach. When leaders learn to value others, they are more effective and more fulfilled.

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Saturday Morning Cartoons
Sandy Rosalez Sandy Rosalez

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Did you know that the Max Academy exists because of Saturday Morning cartoons? It's true. Here’s how it all started…🐢

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“It’s ok, that’s how we learn.”
Sandy Rosalez Sandy Rosalez

“It’s ok, that’s how we learn.”

The phrase "It's ok, that's how we learn" embodies the supportive environment at Max Academy, where students are encouraged to try repeatedly without fear of shame. Our trained instructors focus on continuous learning and aim to foster a safe space for students to explore their potential through martial arts and character-building. We celebrate growth in physical skills, confidence, discipline, and resilience while tailoring our approach to meet each child's unique needs. Emphasizing respect and positive values, we invite you to join our community, where learning is an adventure and every progress is celebrated, fostering champions in life as well as martial arts.

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Self-defense is like CPR
Matt Rosalez Matt Rosalez

Self-defense is like CPR

People learn CPR and first aid to prepare for a catastrophic event. Engaging in a self-defense class that specializes in fight skills (and fight-prevention skills) gives you a vital skill set to assist in averting potential harm. By learning techniques and tactics to navigate dangerous situations, you not only protect yourself but also extend this security to those around you.

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Staying Calm In the Fear Loop (Part 1)
Matt Rosalez Matt Rosalez

Staying Calm In the Fear Loop (Part 1)

Imagining the worst-case scenario can be a survival mechanism — it prepares us to run from possible danger, or to fight it. Unfortunately, the process can result in a hijacking of our amygdala.

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Be Grit Driven
Sandy Rosalez Sandy Rosalez

Be Grit Driven

“To follow the path of martial arts is like climbing on a cliff that never ends. It demands absolute devotion for the task to be executed.”

— Masutatsu Oyama

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A Positive Mindset
Matt Rosalez Matt Rosalez

A Positive Mindset

As we wrap up our current unit of curriculum and our discussions about the character trait of a positive mindset, we wanted to leave you with some thoughts about improving and fostering a positive mindset at home. Look at this list of Positive Attitudes from Positive Psychology; can you find any ways to challenge your kids (and yourself) to grow your positive mindset?


It is looking adversity in the eye… and laughing.

Getting what you get and not pitching a fit.

Enjoying the unexpected, even when it’s not what you originally wanted.

Motivating those around you with a positive word.

Using the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation.

Being friendly to those you don’t know.

It’s getting back up when you fall. (No matter how many times you fall.)

Being a source of energy that lifts those around you.

Understanding that relationships are more important than material things.

Being happy even when you have little.

Having a good time even when you are losing.

Being happy for someone else’s success.

Having a positive future vision, no matter how bad your current circumstances are.


Paying a compliment, even to a total stranger.

Tell someone you know that they did a great job. (And mean it.)

Making someone’s day. (Not just a child’s… adults like to have their day be special, too!)

It’s not complaining, no matter how unfair things appear to be. (It is a waste of time… instead, do something!)

Not letting other people’s negativity bring you down.

Giving more than you expect to get in return.

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Matt Rosalez Matt Rosalez


Did you know that a Kiai (pronounced like the words "key" and "eye" put together) is the shout or noise that a person makes when performing a technique in Karate? In Korean the same shout is referred to as a Kihap. These shouts are meant to emphasize certain techniques, or they can be used to tighten muscles when executing techniques. We see a parallel to the Kiai as we watch other sports. It is not uncommon for tennis players to shout while smashing the ball. It is common to see football players celebrating with a battle cry of sorts after scoring a touchdown. These shouts are very similar to the same ideas that a Kiai brings to martial arts.

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Fitness Gear We Love
Sensei Gabe Sensei Gabe

Fitness Gear We Love

Here at Max, we emphasize safety and quality. That is why it is no surprise that we look for these qualities in our fitness equipment.

Sensei Gabe writes about the importance of one type of fitness gear he loves: sparring gear!

Sensei Gabe writes:

We as consumers should carefully consider the quality of said gear to defend ourselves and our children.

The issue of distinguishing quality comes in a day and age where anyone can sell their product online and espouse enticing facts (maybe) on why their product is the perfect one. Therefore, we must be diligent when acquiring gear, especially when the right equipment can last years. For your convenience, here is a list of three tips that the Max Academy team and staff use to ensure the quality of equipment used by our students and us.

Use the Same Gear That We Do

We thoroughly vet every item in our dojo. As part of the Max Academy team, writing this tip without a certain level of bias is difficult. If there is other gear apart from that which we sell that tickles your fancy, we say more power to you! If you are in our program, we require that you come to us for gear approval as many knock-offs can seriously injure yourself and others.

The fact remains, however, that many of our instructors and black belts use their gear heavily in training. VERY heavily. In our time in business, we have gone through multiple types and brands of sparring gear. Currently, we utilize two leading brands: Revgear and Hayabusa. Both have been thoroughly tested by our staff members and are well-reputed in the martial arts community. Hayabusa is a higher-end gear type; it offers some of the best quality we have tested. Revgear is a high-quality brand, and it remains affordable. I exclusively use both brands in my own training.

For Max Family Members: Follow Max Academy Gear Parameters

We are right there with you if you choose to brave the sea of options. Please understand that we will need to OK the brand before use in classes, so be sure you show us first before purchasing. The last thing we want is for you to buy a set of gear that you can’t use! The three pieces of equipment we use are boxing gloves, headgear, and shin guards. Mouth guards and cups are recommended but not required.

Be sure that in buying, you buy boxing gloves! There are many types of gloves, but these are the only ones safe enough for our kinds of sparring. So once again, please check with us first so that we can ensure your gear is secure and sufficient for both the trainer and their partners.

Use Discretion

I know, duh. Buying the right gear is a big decision. It can amount to a good deal of money for quality equipment. The majority of the time, you will get what you pay for. If you see a pair of cheap gloves and think it’s too good to be true, it probably is. These gloves will not last, and they threaten the health of the user and the recipient. I once bought the cheaper gear, and I regretted it. Buy good gear, and you shouldn’t have to purchase it again for a good while.

It is worth underscoring that while it may hurt your wallet initially to buy a good pair of gear for yourself or your kids, I genuinely believe it will benefit them in the long run. Safe, hard training is something they will not only benefit from, but it can shape them for the rest of their lives.

We’ll see you out there!

Disclaimer: Statements on this blog reflect the author’s personal opinions and do not represent the author’s employer, past or present, or any other organization with which the author may be affiliated. They are for the purpose of general knowledge. Please consult your healthcare provider before starting fitness and nutrition programs. The author and blog disclaim liability for any damage, mishap, or injury that may occur from engaging in any activities or ideas from this site. We do not receive any commission from the brands listed above.

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Endurance and Speed
Fitness Matt Rosalez Fitness Matt Rosalez

Endurance and Speed

Speed and Endurance activities are very different ways of pursuing fitness. In this post Matt explores the benefits of both types of activity.

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